public class WordCount extends Configured implements Tool{ public static class Map extends Mapper
public class EJob { // To declare global field private static ListclassPath = new ArrayList (); // To declare method public static File createTempJar(String root) throws IOException { if (!new File(root).exists()) { return null; } Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); manifest.getMainAttributes().putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0"); final File jarFile = File.createTempFile("EJob-", ".jar", new File( System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"))); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { jarFile.delete(); } }); JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(jarFile), manifest); createTempJarInner(out, new File(root), ""); out.flush(); out.close(); return jarFile; } private static void createTempJarInner(JarOutputStream out, File f, String base) throws IOException { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] fl = f.listFiles(); if (base.length() > 0) { base = base + "/"; } for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { createTempJarInner(out, fl[i], base + fl[i].getName()); } } else { out.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(base)); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int n = in.read(buffer); while (n != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, n); n = in.read(buffer); } in.close(); } } public static ClassLoader getClassLoader() { ClassLoader parent = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (parent == null) { parent = EJob.class.getClassLoader(); } if (parent == null) { parent = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } return new URLClassLoader(classPath.toArray(new URL[0]), parent); } public static void addClasspath(String component) { if ((component != null) && (component.length() > 0)) { try { File f = new File(component); if (f.exists()) { URL key = f.getCanonicalFile().toURL(); if (!classPath.contains(key)) { classPath.add(key); } } } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
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